Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Willow is Out of the Cath Lab

The doc just came and spoke with us in the waiting room. The draining procedure went well. We should be able to see her in the next half hour. The liquid they drained out should be clearish, but hers was a bit milky. They sent it back to the lab. It could be normal, it could be an infection, or it could be chylo (a body fluid consisting of fat). Please pray that the results come back as normal. We will have preliminary results back tonight, but know for sure in 48 hours. They left a drainage tube in the chest to make sure no more fluid collects on the heart. If it does, they have to figure out why it is still collecting. Please pray that no more fluid collects on the heart. Lastly, pray that this procedure makes her feel better, makes her eat better, and gets her out of heart block.