Saturday, August 11, 2018


On the way to the hospital this morning Tim said, "I've just been praying that God would give Dr. Romano insight. That he would give her an idea of something to do to get Willow out of heart block." I thought that was a good prayer and we continued walking. Today started off well. She got off a lot of her wires so I finally got to hold her! But it ended as one of Willow's hardest days. Willow came off of most of her sedatives and morphine. She was visibly uncomfortable, started throwing up, grunting, and her eyes were rolling back in her head. She was so uncomfortable that she barely slept. It was so hard to watch and she still had enough wires that she was hard to console! When we left for dinner tonight the nurse said that it was safe to say that Willow was in morphine withdrawal. And that's exactly what it felt like! So please pray for her to feel better and for some rest. This afternoon (while Tim took Cale to nap) the doctor on Willow's floor came and spoke with me. He said he spoke with Dr. Romano this morning and they had the idea to put Willow on Prednisone (a steroid). There has been research that it helps with heart block. I immediately felt like it was an answer to Tim's prayer. Pray this is the case. That Willow comes out of heart block in miraculous ways. Because the farther out from surgery we are the more nervous everyone gets. It is really wearing on us. Tim and I are both very discouraged. Will you lift us up in prayer and continue to pray that Willow's heart block goes away and that there is no other surgery and would you pray for it to happen soon? Thank you for your continued prayers!


  1. Such a beautiful pic Ali!! Willow looks so much better!! Praying her little heart will beat as it’s supposed to - all that love has got to help!! You can see her responding to you! Sending our love & prayers!��

  2. What a precious picture of Willow holding your hand and gazing up at you. So important for her to finally be back in your arms. I will continue to pray for her throughout the day. Prayers for a comfortable night's sleep with as little pain as possible. Prayers for a healthy strong beat for her little heart. Prayers for all of you. ❤❤❤

  3. Such a precious picture of you with Willow. Praying for the prednisone to work.

  4. Praying for You and Timmy T ...praying for steady minds and calms hearts . Love you guys

  5. so love these updates and the specifics of how to pray. Asking God for the Prednisone to be effective....Come on Willow we are rooting for you!

  6. Dear Jesus, today is a big day for this family! Today we come to you asking that the Prednisone would be effective in getting Willow’s heart working. We thank you for the answer to Tim’s prayer that Dr. Romano would have an idea, and now we pray that it would work! Father, heal up that precious little one quickly, and keep her from needing to experience any additional surgeries. Jesus, We ask for full relief from any discomfort for Willow. We ask for peace that passes all understanding for Tim and Alison. We ask that you would give them all everything they stand in need of today. Shower them with blessings big and small. Fill the hospital room with your presence today. You are at work in this, Father. Help us to trust in that! Thank you for all that you have done and for what you will do with this family’s journey! Amen

  7. John and I are praying for dear Willow. Praying that the heart block will be resolved and for her comfort and yours as she comes off her morphine.
