Thursday, August 16, 2018

Thursday's Update

No new updates today. We are still waiting for Willow to come out of heart block. Please don't give up praying. Hope is a hard thing to come by these days. Some moments in the day, I have hope, I believe that God is going to give us a miracle. But tonight, tonight I am hopeless. We are still in the ICU and keep seeing people leave and we are still here. It's really hard. Hard to think about my colleagues starting school today, hard to see friends and family on social media posting pictures of fun things they are doing or even every day pictures, hard to wake up and realize we have to do another day. With Willow's surgery there was a 10-15% chance she would get heart block, but only a 1% chance she would need a pacemaker. It's really hard not to feel like we are getting the raw end of the stats in life. I feel bad posting this because it is really depressing, but I guess that's just how we are feeling right now. That's why we are desperate for your prayers. Thanks for your continued prayers and encouragement.


  1. It is ok to feel like you are getting the raw end. I think a lot of us are thinking the same thing. Stay strong allotted warriors, we can do this and Ali and Tim will see it through.

  2. Oh Alison, you are so beautifully honest and full of faith. We stand with you...hopeful, confused, and frustrated. Hang in there you mighty warriors!

  3. Totally legit feelings! I am lifting you up in prayer! I won't pretend to know any reason to this season in your life but I will lift up prayers and hope when you are feeling hopeless!

  4. Standing with you in this journey - and standing on the promises of God “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you” - love you!��

  5. Can't even imagine how you and Tim feel. We are praying for you guys and Willow everyday. Rachel and Chad

  6. We are on our knees praying for you all and we won’t stop! Your feelings and valid and understandable. Lifting you up to our mighty Father! -Mitch & Molly Kuper

  7. Love your honest verbalized feelings. I continue to plead with God on your behalf.
    Although we do not have understanding. I am holding on to his promise that he loves you all, his presence is with you and he will heal.
    God please convert Willows heart today.!! Trusting Trusting you for your miracle.

  8. Thanks for your honesty. You have every right to feel as you do. I pray throughout the day and night when I wake for you, Tim and Willow. Phyllis

  9. God totally understands your frustration and lack of hope. I believe He appreciates our honesty. But be assured, HE wants the very best for little Willow Grace and because we only see the present, and HE sees the future, we have to trust Him. You are fighting the fight, and we are praying along side you. When you can't trace His hand, trust His Heart. It overflows with love for all of you. And we love you too.

  10. It is sooooo ok to feel this way! We are not meant to understand God's plan and although I know that, it is impossible not to question Him. I remember being in the hospjtal with Joshua craving normal every day things to complain about. I have yet to forget that feeling 7 years later! I crave that for you, too. You will get there! Hugs and prayers!
