Friday, August 3, 2018

Willow Grace

I wanted to catch some of you up to date on where we are at now. I know I have been MIA in my blogging, but as you can see I am back at it and have made a few changes to the look. We were due with our third child on April 16, 2018. On March 20, I went in for my 36 week check up.  I was measuring at 33 weeks and I had lost a pound, so my Midwife sent me to get an ultrasound just to be safe. At my ultrasound they found that my baby girl was breach, that the placenta was slowly doing its job less and less, and that I was a bit low in amniotic fluid. So the doctor decided they would have me spend the night, give me steroids for 24 hours to make the baby's lungs stronger, and then do a c-section. This all came as a surprise but we had no choice but to roll with it. We spent the night in the hospital and the next day they started to get worried after an ultrasound at the movement and amniotic fluid and took me in for a c-section immediately. The spinal tap did not take, I was still moving my legs and had full sensation, so they put me under. When I came to, the nurse and my husband informed me that our baby girl, Willow Grace Ter Horst was born with Down Syndrome (ironically on World Down Syndrome Day 3-21). We had no idea prior to her birth of this diagnosis. I would like to tell you that I cried, then took it with grace, but that is not the story. We were devastated. Tim and I went to a very deep place of grieving. Life has seemed so unfair. I felt like when Quinn died I was in this pit of grief and I fought tooth and nail to seek Christ, to choose joy, to climb out, only to be flung back into the pit and I did not want to be here again. We, once again, found ourselves grieving the loss of hopes and dreams we had for our daughter. Before the day was done, a pediatric cardiologist came to our room and informed us that Willow had a significant hole in her heart that would require open heart surgery. South Dakota didn't have a pediatric cardiologist surgeon that could do this surgery so they recommended at 4-6 months of age we would do the surgery in Ann Arbor, MI. Needless to say it was just a lot to process in one day.

Fast forward 4 months. Willow is such a good baby. She sleeps 8 hours through the night- every night, she is content, she eats like a champ, she rolls over from tummy to back and back to tummy like it is no big deal, she is smiling, she is cooing, she shows no signs of heart failure, but she still has a hole in her heart. We are in a better place then right after she was born, but we are still grieving and processing what this diagnosis means for her life and ours. And Sunday (at 9am) we fly to Ann Arbor for her open heart surgery which is on Tuesday. I am writing this as an update, but also as a plea for prayer. The following are my prayer requests for our dear friends, family, and prayer warriors:

1. For a successful surgery. This surgery has a 98% success rate and she should only need one surgery, but our prayer is that she will not need another. The surgery is to repair an AV Canal or AVS Defect which means the surgeon (her name is Dr. Romano) will have to patch a significant hole in the middle of Willow's heart. The surgery is scheduled for Tuesday August 7 at 7:30 am and should take 4 hours.
2. For Recovery. Willow will be in ICU for 24-72 hours and the hospital for 7-10 days, but could be less if everything goes great. We have been hopeful thinkers and have scheduled a return flight for Monday August 13...6 days after surgery. We can always move it back, but if you want to pray specifically- pray that Willow would recover beautifully and miraculously and be released by Monday so we could come home.
3. For Cale. Tim's parents, my parents, and my sister are all coming, but it is still a lot for a 3 year old to process and not have his parents full attention. He could either rise to the occasion or be a pill. Pray that he sleeps and acts better than we could have imagined.
4. Pray for Tim and I. I have been an emotional mess this week. I feel like I'm constantly on the verge of tears or the verge of being short and snappy. I am overwhelmed with uprooting my family for a week or two, with the unknown, with the thought of my beautiful baby being cut open, with school starting for me 9 days after surgery, with Willow being the same age as Quinn as she passed away. I am still dealing with some PTSD.
Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for praying for us, for encouraging us, and for joining us on this crazy journey. I will use this blog to keep you updated on how surgery and recovery are going.


  1. Prayer go with your family. My friends daughter had this surgery with great success, and she is 15 years old and a beautiful young woman, and is also Downs. Keep the faith

  2. Praying for you all, our daughter went through open heart surgery, 28 years ago. We will be praying for God to be near giving you peace & strength.

  3. I am so sorry that you and Tim find yourselves in another journey of pain and grieving. I will pray for the things that you requested and for peace and healing for you and Tim, as well as Willow. She is precious!

  4. Praying now for you all. Praying for a peace that can only come from Him. Praying for a successful surgery and a quick recovery. Praying Cale feels secure and is distracted by all the fun he's having with loved ones. Love to your family.

  5. Prayers started immediately and on going. May God’s grace get you through this difficult time and for everything to go as planned 🙏🏻

  6. Prayers, hugs, and lots of love. Your testimony is like no other and for that I know it has changed numerous hearts including mine.

  7. Love and prayers Allison. We appreciate you being vulnerable and real to the world. What valleys you have traveled... Thanks for putting words to life and emotions that are often beyond human understanding. May God's grace and mercy be with you and your family. Tom and Kathleen Hein

  8. I am SO sorry for this, another, difficult journey you are on. Prayers for you, Allison, Tim , Cale, Willow and all your requests. You will not be out of my thoughts/Prayers. May you feel God's arms carrying you.
    Phyllis Baartman Stratton

  9. Prayers to you, Mrs. Ter Horst and your family. You are one of the strongest people I've ever met and I pray that the Lord will surround you all with love you deserve.

  10. Lifting each of you up in prayer as you go through this journey of Willow's surgery. May God guide the surgeon's hands and the rest of the medical team as they care for your precious daughter.
    Cindy Vander Well

  11. Praying for strength, hopefulness, & a very successful surgery for little Willow. You r blessed beyond words to have her!! I am holding you all in my prayers this week.

  12. I will be praying for your precious daughter, I myself have had 5 open heart surgeries and my last one was in Ann Arbor and let me tell you the doctors are awesome! I'm willing and open to talk about this, I have 3 beautiful kiddos now and none of them have had my heart issues, praise God but I wanted to share my success story so you would know that she is in great hands!

  13. Hello!

    My name is Jennifer Gordon... my sister is Jackie (Koch) Newell told me of your story. I think my sister and your husband went to highschool together. My sister has celebrated Quinncidence Day in the past - My heart hurts for the pain you have all went through. I can't extend my condolances enough. I have cried tears over your loss and my heart aches as I write this.

    As much as I want to focus on Quinn... I am here to focus on Willow. You see, we have a LOT in common! We were also surprised at 36 weeks to learn that our baby wanted to come early, was breech, had an emergency C-section, followed by the surprising diagnosis of Down syndrome and then quickly learning that our baby, too... would require open heart surgery. It was more than a LOT to handle and I will not deny we grieved. We grieved hard. However, my sister quickly reminded us that a wonderful baby was born and we needed to celebrate that gift! And, celebrate we did! Was it still hard... ABSOLUTELY. Were we worried...UNBELIEVABLY SO. Did we want either diagnosis... NO WAY. I feel like God gave us both issues so we could let one go (Down syndrome) and focus on the other (a major heart defect). We were life flighted to the Children's Hospital in Omaha when our sweet, SWEET boy was only 7 weeks old. He went into surgery that was expected to take 2 hours. He was in there 6. The surgeon came out telling us it was far worse than he thought. I so feel your pain... I will NEVER forget the waiting. I will NEVER forget handing my baby off to strangers. I will NEVER forget the ups and downs of recovery in the 7 days that followed. I will NEVER forget that when all the surgeons had their morning meeting on the 3rd day following surgery, that one of them turned to me and told me that they never expected our son to make it this far in recovery. I grieved all over again... constantly thinking about what could have happened to our son. I will also NEVER forget that our son's surgery was a success but one that was going to require another rare surgery in the next year to fix what they couldn't. I will NEVER forget that to this day... SEVEN years later, when our son meets with his cardiologist that they still can't explain how his heart healed and NEVER required that second surgery. I will NEVER forget what could have been and what now is.


  14. Cont... part 2...

    Joshua, aka Superman... is now 7. He is healthy, smart, fun.... and, OH SO HAPPY! He has changed the lives of all that know him. I can't even begin to detail that... it is really quite an understatement. He has brought many, MANY good people into our lives because he has this natural way of drawing people in! It has made us see more good in the world than bad. He has taught all of us more than we will EVER dream of teaching others in a lifetime. HE IS A GIFT. SUCH A WONDERFUL GIFT.

    I love to share my story... and, I love to look back at those days of questioning why God did that to us. And, I kinda laugh to myself because we were SO clueless. God knew. He knew we needed Joshua in our lives. He knew what a gift He was giving us and how silly we were to question Him. We celebrate Joshua every day. Not a day goes by that my heart does not almost explode with love for this child. I am quite positive that anyone given the gift of a child with DS is most certainly on the top of God's favoirte's list.

    I am crying as I write this because I want you to know how very lucky you are. Willow is a gift you never knew you needed. And, she is going to be OK! She WILL heal. You will heal. And, then you will enjoy. You will enjoy every second of every day. She will teach your son how to be an incredible brother. She will teach his friends how to accept those who are different. You will meet SO many kind people. You will love this journey. And, can I just say that your angel in heaven - had a special hand in this baby. I am postiive she reminded God you needed a little something extra without her here.

    Some of the best advice I was given when Joshua was born was to take one day at a time. You don't have to map out her future. Just enjoy her. She will bring far more joy to you than you could ever imagine. It sometimes shocks me when people recoginze Josh has DS... I don't see it. I forget about it. And, I am dead serious! However, when I do think of it, I thank God that He knew exactly what he was doing! He chose you for a reason just like he chose us.

    God bless all of you. I am praying like crazy for all of you. I pray for these hard days to fast forward so you can get to all the enjoyment that is waiting for your family.

    If you EVER need to talk... I will listen. Stranger or not... we are connected! My phone number is 605.639.0010. You can friend me on FB if you want to see what life with Joshua looks like (Jennifer Gordon) or in IG: gordostyle1999.

    Sending prayers as often I think of them... and hugs, too.
    Jen Gordon

    PS One random thing I can offer you - is to find a Family Support rep in your area (if you are in SD). They can get you on a waiting list for well as financial support for necessities no matter what your income is!!!! I highly recommend this as they will cover what your insurance does not. We did not have this in time for Joshua's first 3 years but sure sppreciate it now! No one will offer their information to you... or at least, they didn't to us. Again, if I can help in anyway, please reach out to me!

    PPS I know your son is a gift, too. Our other son is, too. All kids are miraculous! Kids with Downs are more of the unexpected type of gift. One you didn't know about. :)
