Monday, August 20, 2018

No Surgery Today!

Ali and I came into Willow's room at 7AM this morning fully expecting a surgeon to be there waiting for us to sign consent forms for the pacemaker surgery today (We found out yesterday that her surgery was moved from 1pm to 9am).  When we walked in the room the nurse looked at us and said, "Well, she isn't going into the OR today."  We asked why and she said that she is showing more improvement and we are going to give her more time.  Currently, they have the external pacemaker set to 60 BPM and her heart is fully beating on its own at around 75 - 80 BPM!  This is the first time she has not needed a pacemaker to pace her ventricle and every other beat is being conducted.  She is still in second degree heart block but they are "cautiously optimistic."  On Saturday when she showed improvement it was not sustained so we are praying that this sticks and she can get out of heart block completely in the next couple of days.  This morning was a HUGE answer to prayer and we were very excited that we could delay the pacemaker surgery.  What a roller coaster we have been on.  Once more we are reminded that we are not in control and even though we think or expect something, God can have something completely different in mind. Thank you so much for your continued prayers and encouragement! Please continue to pray that she comes completely out of heart block, and soon. We are so ready to go home!


  1. Thank you Lord ! When we are weak he is strong

  2. praise the Lord! He can do more that what we can ever imagine! Continuing to pray!!

  3. May your heart beat strong and steady sweet Willow 💕

  4. My prayers are with you and your family!

  5. God is in control and He will take Willow down the road He has planned for her. We thank God for Willows reprieve today. We pray without ceasing. Thy will be done Oh Lord.

  6. Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!!!! We will continue to pray that Willow's heart gets stronger and stronger and will be able to do so without that pacemaker! Thanks for the great news!

  7. Sometimes when you pray for something so hard and so long one can't hardly believe when the answer comes with a yes. Be Still and know that I am God. Wow thank-you Jesus.
    Tonight May the Lord bless you and Keep you May the Lord make his face to shine upon all of you. May Willow's heart beat in a normal sinus pattern and bring everyone His peace.
    Blessings and love to you all.

  8. So happy to hear!! Thank you Lord! Continued prayers!
