Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Tuesday-An End in Sight

We woke up to good news. Willow was out of heart block in sinus rhythm from 8:30pm to 8:30 am this morning! She has been going in and out of heart block all day. Today she has mostly been in partial heart block, but her rates have been in the solid 90s all day which is an improvement. It means more beats are getting through then are being blocked. They did an echo at noon. After lunch, we came back and there was a team of doctors from infectious disease waiting for us. They analyzed her numbers and decided that she needed to be on two full weeks of IV antibiotics (that would be tomorrow). Then tomorrow they will get blood and see what her infection numbers look like (just to get a baseline), take her off IV antibiotics and transition her to oral antibiotics for 4 weeks. They will watch her for two days to make sure she does well on these antibiotics and shows no signs of allergies, then take blood on Friday morning to make sure her infection numbers are going down so they know this type of antibiotics are working. If it looks good, they will then take her PIC line out Friday and we will get out of the ICU to the recovery floor.We have been in the ICU for over 4 weeks so this is huge progress. We will stay there for the weekend and if everything goes well, we will be released on Monday! Her heartblock, Mitral valve, and pulmonary hypertension numbers all look better on today's echo and they will just keep watch over them this next year. In most cases they get better on their own, but she may require another open heart surgery down the road. Please pray she doesn't need one. Everything isn't perfect, but we will take today as a win. We can see home from here and it seems so beautiful! I will end this by giving God the glory. He has brought Willow out of some pretty dire circumstances and has answered our prayers. Thank you so much for praying us through this. Please keep praying us home!


  1. Praising God with you! No, it hasn’t been a “perfect” answer to prayer by our earthly standards, but God sees the big picture, and I’m so thankful that He’s bringing healing at last! And I praise Him for the work He’s done during this long time of waiting. We’ve all been challenged by it, and I’m thankful for how God has been growing us. Thank you, Jesus, for using every part of this journey to bring about good for your kids! Thank you for Willow and for this wonderful group of people who love her!

  2. Wonderful, many prayers still being said for all of you

  3. Praise God for this good news & upbeat prognosis!! Cheering little Willow on with prayers and love - all the way to home sweet home!!! 🏡💗

  4. Praising God with you!!. His answers are frequently different than our requests, but trusting Him to be all knowing, all sufficient, & the giver of love. It is my prayer that you all will experience healing intimacy with Jesus through the suffering your family has encountered.
    Praying infection will be cleared. Praying continued strengthening of Willows heart so normal sinus rhythm can be the norm.
    Yes praying you home safely... thank-you for the update and the good news.
